5 Tasks to Re-ignite Your 2019 Resolution
Remember that resolution you set back in January?
Of course you don’t.
Because 92% of people who set resolutions fail to achieve them.
January may be a trendy time for goal setting, but let’s not forget about the rest of the year.
Spring is here, so let’s hit restart and catapult you back on track. It’s never too late.
Goals are important because they guide your daily tasks. With every completed to-do list, you want to feel like you’re making progress and that your small steps are adding up to a bigger purpose.
Here are 5 tasks you can do right NOW to set yourself up for the remainder of 2019:
Don’t just wait until you complete your goal to celebrate your progress. Set incremental rewards (spa, dinner, weekend getaway, new book, manicure, whatever) and enjoy the journey. Small rewards will also keep you motivated and focused.
- Manage your mindset. You are your own worst critic (believe me, I’m the exact same). First, let’s tell ourselves that it’s completely acceptable to not achieve everything we set out for. You are a constant work in progress and yes, sometimes things won’t go as planned. Give yourself the grace to recoup and say out loud: “I will achieve whatever I put my mind to.”
- Re-do your goals. Look back and question whether they still relate to the bigger vision. Perhaps the reason you haven’t acted on them is because they’re not actually relevant. It’s okay to set new goals and let go of the ones that no longer serve you.
- Setup quarterly check-ins. Using Google Calendar, iCal, Outlook or your favourite digital calendar, schedule notifications every two months to automatically check-in with yourself. This way, you stay accountable and on track. Most of the time, we forget what we are working towards and all it takes is a simple reminder.
- Write it down in your planner. A 2015 study proved that people who wrote down their goals were 33% more successful in achieving them than those who just thought about them in their head. A solid plan of action that’s written down is an essential part of crushing your goals. Besides, out of sight, out of mind. Keep your planner out where you can see it every day. Bonus points if your goals are S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-based).
- Reward yourself along the way. Don’t just wait until you complete your goal to celebrate your progress. Set incremental rewards (spa, dinner, weekend getaway, new book, manicure, whatever) and enjoy the journey. Small rewards will also keep you motivated and focused.
Goals aren’t seasonal – they’re with you until you decide to complete them.
And although January is a popular time for resolutions, you still have to keep the momentum going for the rest of the year.
Start now, start small and take daily action.